-a dream I had of an original comic page panels layout with original logo for company. In the top left corner a tallish black block capital letter 'A' and right under it in small black capitals the name 'AGER'. Like in AGER as in OMEGA. In Revelations God calls himself The Alpha and the OMEGA' the Beginning and the End. The PYRAMID shape 'A'. Maybe I get a body identical to Christian PAREDES and the personality I saw in him. Under those. 4 square boxes two side by side, one pair on top of the other pair. Above these 4 slimmer rectangle boxes. The caption in the rectangles is for the corresponding square box. Like the first letters of my DREAM super hero powers are the first letters of once special themed rooms of my home. Like the DREAM I had of these. My DREAM powers, appearance and personality. The Crosses design of the rectangles and square boxes like saying I am like God. 'The Beginning and End.' Maybe I get what I want and live forever travelling around the history of space from the beginning to end. Forever. The design of the square boxes and rectangle boxes. The old TV series The Time Tunnel. The tunnel they go in looks like the boxes. This might too say there is no truth to Christianity. And maybe I have signed something so all the characters and product designs I did always are owned by me. (A AGER). The Time Tunnel the two characters travel through HISTORY. Maybe too saying there is no truth to Christianity. The Crosses designs of the rectangles and squares. Maybe standing for me with a Messiah like appearance and personality. The pointed 'A' the shape of the Rock of ETERNITY / AGER. That 'Captain Marvel' gets his powers from. A similar method to my goal powers. 'AGE r' and the 'A' shaped like the Rock of ETERNITY. I live forever. The revolving boxes. I go around and around the history of space
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Friday, April 26, 2024
The Anti-Christ
-there might not have been really an Anti-Christ
-there may not have really been any truth to Christianity
-the day a couple of years ago. My Support Staff met at my home because they were concerned with my Lawyer retiring there was no protection over my home
-straight after that I crossed the Street to the TAKE AWAYS
-I passed a man looking like Tony Stark
-Tony / Anti. And Stark / Christ
-he was slightly tall, maybe a darkish skin color and maybe a goatee
-down the hill from my home and that Corner was MAYFAIR Place where I stayed at MAYFAIR Cabins
-MAYFAIR as in the MESSIAH. Like I might have the MIRACLE power of the Messiah
-where the Cabins were I had thought of the idea the DC Comics' large team of their WW2 super-heroes the All-Star Squadron might have been on a parallel Earth
-ALL STAR as in STARK. And like ALL the STARS like Revelations says the Anti-Christ rules all nations
-the base they had like maybe the World's Fair Perisphere. A large white globe shaped building with rising seats in a circle where they met. Roughly shaped like the white fruit that gives me my miracle powers
-like across the Street from my home is Tauranga Boys College. Numbered about 664 Cameron Road. In a lunch area they have concrete Pyramid style seating like in the All-Star Squadron base. And by that on a large wall the picture of a man's face looking like Walt Disney
-a few blocks away a man looking like Walt Disney paid for the book Disney Storybook Collection. Reduced from '$29.99' to '$11.99'
-when I went in to the Takeaways store I had an idea I wanted to shift several shunned Historical figures each in to copies of my home
-like $29.99 reduced to $11.99. I went in to the Takeaways. I was going to pay for a '$10' meal with my Card maybe that had '$30' on it. But realized I had the money in my bag because Taxi rides to the supermarket had not cost as much as I had. Similar figures to the book I was bought
-so I tried to use that balance to move the HISTORICAL figures in to copies of my home. Maybe the WATCHER like the picture of WALTER Disney set up that and the lunch area features. So I took the powers and weapon abilities of that team of WW2 Historical features. Like I TOOK AWAY them. And that was part of why I saw the man I passed a few blocks up from Mayfair Place
-on an Island just around the corner from Mayfair Place I had the idea the DC Comics super-heroes team the New Teen Titans had their base Titans TOWER. Like Revelations calls the Anti-Christ the King of Terror. I think after the first 24 issues the New Teen Titans' lives had TERROR in them
-years ago I had the idea my son might be the Anti-Christ and I tried to give him the powers of the All STAR Squadron and a TARPAULIN around him in Hell to stop pain. At least for a long time
-maybe instead they went to me
-about 1982 in our garden I found a grapefruit with an equal sized one growing out of the side of it. Maybe it represented two parallel Earths. One our Earth. And one the DC Comics Earth with at least some of their super-heroes on
-I have a condensed list of rules I would like to run Earth and maybe space with. Called High School Musical Suggestions for Governments. The Boys College was just across the Street from my home and the Takeaways. Where I passed the man looking like Tony Stark / Iron Man. I got signals from him not to buy Takeaways again. So maybe he was saying when people do not follow my rules their buildings fade until they do
-maybe I ruled almost all of space from the start of time until the year 2000. Like my original plans
-High School Musical Suggestions for Governments
-free fruit and vegetables for poor or homeless people in supermarkets
-free Spotify, NetFlix, Disney+ and YouTube Music
-every number of weeks students of places get to have International air travel and Hotel costs for a few days paid for
-things made fair. There is a place to protest something if unfair
-most bullying stopped. Those continuing must stay from work for time
-$12 million created once in one account of everyone once in their life. It can't be taxed. Spouses can't touch it. If stolen by others accessing your account amounts of $200, 000 added. Absolute wage and price freezes. People made to work to keep services going. People now pay an amount for use of services
-crimes like maiming and some crimes that ruin lives get life
-tent shelter for homeless people. Large canvas tents. With stretcher bunks. Radio playing all the time. Portable toilet outside. And a free meal once or twice a day
-meals around the city every day. Once a day for a coin you can get a meal
-businesses set up that can do almost any job for you for as cheapest charge as possible
-work shifts are rotated. 6 hours done by one person then 6 hours by another
-Daily Planner- work shifts, 2 hours Christian time if you want it, 2 hours family including at least 2 hours TV time, Saturday Recreation Days made up of groups (those without someone as best as possible found someone), Sunday free time
-anyone at all. Including minors can kill themselves with help. Like put to sleep etc
-as best possible free pain killers to all
-no one can make you marry. All can divorce straight away
-'Pin' marriages anyone can have
-both Police and Army Security boasted by 200 times
-University Hospital- those studying to be Medical workers do surgery etc for a much less price
-no one can ban you from their stores without real reason
-free Cosmetic Surgery etc where possible for disfigured and deformed people
-as cheap as possible muscle implants for people
-and you don't need to put 666 on you
-years ago I left the Facebook comment on DC Comics' Facebook Page. I met Jenette Kahn and she didn't say Hello to me / have anything to say to me. The next day when I looked the Facebook comment was at the top of their Facebooks which is impossible. Maybe somehow following these rules really surges things
-the Facebook Comment. In the lunch area of Tauranga Boys College the large painting of the man's FACE. The comment I saw at the TOP of their comments. The tall steps Pyramid concrete seating
Friday, January 12, 2024
The Fall of Great Britain
-when I was young my mother bought me a Toy Disney Camera. It had two tapes with it. You put the tape in it and turned the handle on it's side to move the cartoon pictures. Like a very old motion picture filming camera
-one tape was Mickey's Trailer
-the other tape was 101 Dalmatians
-the villain in the full animated film was Cruella de Vil who looks like DC Comics' Jenette Kahn
-the final real scene. The main two dogs are looking through a stone wall Church window at their owners getting married
-then there was like a distorted film shot of
-blackness behind a sort of white GRAVESTONE. With my initials in reverse on AM
-the GRAVESTONE like a boy I tried to make partly my son GREYSON Milewski. He is the son of a Coronation Street actor who plays a character based on me
-the actor has never visited the son or paid towards him
-the boy's body is always in pain
-I tried to do a mass of miracles for Britain. I had the idea I would try to go back in time to 5th Century Briton Warlord / King Voligern and say I will try do these mass of miracles for Britain will you make me King after you
-I had the idea I would try to make Milewski partly my son and he might be King after me
-I think corrupt people tried to change that. Even if I did the miracles Greyson would be King and never me
-the GRAVESTONE as in GREYSON. GRAVESTONE also sounds like GRENADA TV that makes Coronation Street
-the 'AM' on the Gravestone. 'DC' Comics' Jenette Kahn is the other large reason their country falls
-they might have brought in important British companies to close if they don't get what they want from me
-like in another word breakdown
-there was on my Games Room wall about 1983 a New Zealand Christchurch COMMONWEALTH Games cloth I put up
-COMMON Wealth- like in CORONATION Street actor's son
-COMMON Wealth- like in COMICS' Jenette Kahn
-the actor would have known when he had the one night stand with his mother that she might get pregnant. There will be a mass of media products about this idea over the decades
-on an early trip to my city of Tauranga before we moved here. My grandparents had met a woman who lived across the Street from the Motel. Once I took a boy I had met staying at the Motel and asked for money. She looked like Falcon Crest character Angela Channing played by Jane Wyman. CHANNING / KAHN / CORONATION. She said I don't have any money. I was going to use the money to buy HUNDREDS and Thousands biscuits at the Motel. As in ONE HUNDRED and 1 Dalmatians. Her home looked in the style of that series
-and the whole world could be in for ruin. When my grandparents and I first moved to Tauranga. We went to the FARMERS dept. store. On the lower floor selling comics. They were for sale on wide plank benches. With pyramid shaped wooden legs. Which was a strange way to display comics. It may have been saying. With all stores and services closed. Some are able to get and sell VEGETABLES. VEGES on TABLES. Like the name of the store was FARMERS
-when I was young my mother bought me a Disney toy camera. Two tapes with it. Mickey's TRAILER. Like I stay living in my home that gives me my miracle powers. I have a way I could get food delivered each week. And 101 Dalmatians. As in 666 DAMNATION. The last shot a Church Wedding with the main two dogs watching through the Church Wedding. Like I think Jesus Christ and Jenette Kahn tried to put me in a bad for life marriage to a woman like Lois Lane. In a Posh Spice way. Then there was a distorted shot of a white gravestone in front of blackness. On the grave there were letters like my initials in reverse (AM). Earth loses all it's power, stores and services. The two people largely causing it. The grave like the Church Wedding. It is the fault of Jesus Christ. The 'AM' and the fault of 'DC' Comics Jenette Kahn
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Silver Birch
-in about 1977 the first time my grandparents and I visited Tauranga
-we first tried the
-SILVER like because of Jenette Kahn and corrupt company men Earth might lose all it's companies
-BIRCH like because of the CHURCH too. Maybe largely the orchestration of Jesus Christ
-we had a look at our Motel room but didn't stay
-it was RUN DOWN
-like all of Earth becomes run down. Like homes and businesses all closed and like shacks
-there was a white string held up across the middle of the room
-with for some reason white sheets along it dividing the room
-like a barrier around the Garden of Eden. With my home in it. Just up the hill from that Motel
-the white sheet like saying what I did in the Garden of Eden (my miracles) survives
-the white sheets held up by string across the centre of the room
-Jesus Christ in his long white dress symbolized like being held up on the Cross again
-the history and truth to the Bible maybe almost all gone
-that year we first visited Tauranga about 1977. We would later move to Tauranga. Jenette Kahn became Publisher of DC Comics. Meaning a lot of the world's problems. And the first Star Wars film came out. With the giant Moon shaped Death Star satellite. Maybe meaning the Monitor
-there is no more SILVER maybe. No more services or companies
-and the Church and Bibles are gone. Maybe almost all of the truth to Christianity
-years ago I had some wooden blocks put on a 4 drawer filing cabinet I had bought. A cube shaped box for a head. And two long rectangular wooden boxes for arms
-I wanted the filing cabinet to look like a robot
-I keep comics in it
-a loose rough name for it is CENTURY. But that really refers only to a robot butler in a comic series idea I came up with me as a super hero
-like he erases the HISTORY / CENTURY of CHRISTIANITY. He takes most of the truth of the Bible away
-like the robot filing cabinet looks like the CROSS
-and I think he might be after problem once comics head Jenette KAHN
-I bought the 4 drawer filing cabinet maybe decades ago at a second hand furniture store downtown called TARGET
-Target like the logo of DC Comics once like he is targeting Jenette Kahn
-and Targeting Christianity
-the Target furniture store seemed out of place right downtown. I saw the filing cabinet on the mezzanine floor
-a SENTRY a Soldier stationed to keep GUARD / GARDEN of Eden or to control access to a place
-MEZZANINE like my miracles I have done as a MAGICIAN are still real
-CENTURY like a SENTRY or a GUARD. The night in 2022 a supermarket SECURITY GUARD took me up to the Hospital and stayed with me over night. Like I was being set up to mean my Garden of Eden home will be there for me. With GROCERIES appearing each week things if I need them. SUSIE the SECURITY Guard may have been really CENTURY setting things up. And this lasts for me
Marine Parade
- in 1978 twice my grandparents took me to the next town. Each time I saw something paranormal. The first time on a vacant section a large Trailer Home sized flying saucer. The next time at a family's home a Richie Rich comic with a few hundred pages that was never made. I saw the comic at a family's home I only saw that time. Maybe saying I get part of what I really want. No friends, work, spouse, real children and contact with family. I repeated the line Bop Bup Bup over and over. Like saying the three marriages would be over and that was all I would have. Those three and spouses would be over. BOP like the BUG actor Tom Holland. BUP like the man like me looking too like character based on me David Platt. And BUP like the marriage to the woman like Lois Lane like saying I would BUG her. 'LYNETTE ECOLES' maybe meaning like the line I said LINE ECHOES. Those would be all the relationship chances and I would live ISOLATED. LYNETTE ECOLES like LINE ECHOES or 666. She was getting off the bus at the base of MAUAO or MAU / AO like in ANTI MESSIAH. The end of March 2017 when I went to MAUAO might have been the start of me as the Anti-Christ
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
-all around the edges of the Universe going out past the wagon wheel
-going as far as possible. Forever if I can
-in a solid block in all directions
-for housing there is the 'Institute' buildings. And for stores there are the 'Tauranga World' stores and 'Thunderdomes'
-this goes around the edges of the Universe. It is a solid block to all of space of these
-Tauranga World
-my home on Fraser Street. Where the miracle plant grows and is the basis of the Manger. Copied out over space and Hell
-the Fraser Street block it is on. Covers most landscapes over inhabited worlds
-the circuit of around the block behind my home. I RAN naked around it late at night once. Maybe the basis of Revelations IRAN
-those blocks are maybe the Garden of Eden
-my home at 175 Darraghs Road Tauranga. Where the Windor High comics are made about
-just along the Road from the Island is Silver Birch Motel. The first Motel my grandparents and I were going to stay at on our first visit to Tauranga. There is something about a string held up across the room we looked at. With white sheets held up dividing the room
-around the corner from these the Grace Road home probably of Mills Reef Winery owners
-Tauranga Boys College- maybe one year of the whole student body of that year. Half were my sons by sex and half by my sperm dropped in their mothers
-Otumoetai College- where I went. Where the Archie Comics style about me were set. And a massive channel over space
-Mills Reef Winery- at Bethlehem
-the BOP Polytechnic at Windermere- I passed a theory Bartending Course needing a 80% Pass Mark
-the homes around 175 Darraghs Road- where while mentally ill in 1985 I broke windows with an axe and nearly hit my grandmother on the head with it
-Otumoetai Primary- where I went to. Years later I went back to a Flea Market there. I bought a stack of old valuable X-Men comics for almost nothing. Around the issue their member Phoenix gains too much power and loses control
-BOP Polytechnic Bongard Centre- where a couple of women similar to the main couple in the movie Beaches were friends
-while living in Darraghs Road about 1981- several of us young people went to paddocks across the Road from my home. Somehow a pig ran out. There was Reids Bacon Factory by it. I picked up a post of timber like in defense. Later on that same trip we found some really old bottles. As a few of us were taking some an elderly man approached in the distance angry
-Baycourt Theatre- where during it's opening Charles and Diana were visiting. I reached out my hand and shook his hand
-once called Sunrise Trust- maybe at 41 18th Avenue. Where I started to improve my life skills and improved while living with other people
-the back unit at the corner of 16th Avenue and Cameron Road. Where the man who might be the Anti-Christ threatened me at the front door
-the small Mount Maunganui mountain Mauao. As in Messiah. In the next town .Where the rocket for the rocket and satellites Monitor mission comes from
-by there Marine Parade- that I took a bus ride to there in March 2017 and repeated over and over Bop Bup Bup. Starting my powerful miracles
-my home at 140C Fraser Street Tauranga with the roof repaired
-the buildings restore after 50 years
-with the buildings of the futuristic Prison I daydreamed up in 1985
-but these are each person's home
-futuristic white walls and floors
-spacey with large buildings the size of a multi Cinema
-trees and plants often inside of it
-through your bedroom door it can alternate as leading to any store or business from my 2014 Yellow Pages
-each with at least once service robot. A different colored emotionless C3-P0 robot
-there are multiple recreation rooms of different themes in your complex. Taken from Queen Mary Cruise Ship
-there are unit sized individual rooms in it
-the robots get supplies from the businesses and service the complex
-each bedroom can play the full history of all the channels of New Zealand Cable TV Sky up until now translated
-the individual bedrooms have Disney+, NetFlix, Spotify, YouTube Music Premium and my Blogs frozen to this point
-and in shelves all my books, comics and videos.. And all the ones before I sold some off
-there are C3-P0 robots in the stores etc. And they can assist and even act as a simple companion
Each city or town or large enough suburb has a Thunderdome. The size of the Harbor between my side of Tauranga across to Mount Maunganui and about the area of the water in it. A Thunderdome looks like a white flat Halo with 4 white legs holding it up in each corner. The base of it has exact copies of many stores and service outlets from their planet before the miracles. White robots looking like Sonny of I-Robot service them. The stock in the stores restores each time the doors close. The robots generally know about how to run them. So worlds can have things like cars, Garages, Hairstylists. And stores and services tailored to their own species
-a dream I had of an original comic page panels layout with original logo for company. In the top left corner a tallish black block capita...
-in each Universe -are wagon wheel shaped spokes extending out around the sides of the Universe -of products, media features are made up of...
1- Donald Trump-made to look a fool. LOOK a fool and it was by me he became President. Almost all bad disfigurements heal 2-DC Comics maybe ...
-Fraser Street blocks -the list of premises along my Fraser Street block -one side -Mount Action Centre- through a building's door -thro...