Tuesday, April 30, 2024


 -a dream I had of an original comic page panels layout with original logo for company. In the top left corner a tallish black block capital letter 'A' and right under it in small black capitals the name 'AGER'. Like in AGER as in OMEGA. In Revelations God calls himself The Alpha and the OMEGA' the Beginning and the End. The PYRAMID shape 'A'. Maybe I get a body identical to Christian PAREDES and the personality I saw in him. Under those. 4 square boxes two side by side, one pair on top of the other pair. Above these 4 slimmer rectangle boxes. The caption in the rectangles is for the corresponding square box. Like the first letters of my DREAM super hero powers are the first letters of once special themed rooms of my home. Like the DREAM I had of these. My DREAM powers, appearance and personality. The Crosses design of the rectangles and square boxes like saying I am like God. 'The Beginning and End.' Maybe I get what I want and live forever travelling around the history of space from the beginning to end. Forever. The design of the square boxes and rectangle boxes. The old TV series The Time Tunnel. The tunnel they go in looks like the boxes. This might too say there is no truth to Christianity. And maybe I have signed something so all the characters and product designs I did always are owned by me. (A AGER). The Time Tunnel the two characters travel through HISTORY. Maybe too saying there is no truth to Christianity. The Crosses designs of the rectangles and squares. Maybe standing for me with a Messiah like appearance and personality. The pointed 'A' the shape of the Rock of ETERNITY / AGER. That 'Captain Marvel' gets his powers from. A similar method to my goal powers.  'AGE r' and the 'A' shaped like the Rock of ETERNITY. I live forever. The revolving boxes. I go around and around the history of space

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  -a dream I had of an original comic page panels layout with original logo for company. In the top left corner a tallish black block capita...