Saturday, October 14, 2023

Windsor High

-I set up an Archie Comics style line of comics about me. Around 1983 at Otumoetai College. On Windsor Road

-to go out one day

-as a channel to EVERYWHERE. Hell, Heaven, all of space and our world too

-it will start some time and last forever in all those places

-you view it by the mind

-and even the fate of Hell and what the Bible says on 'New Earth and Heaven'. They will still last forever to all places

-about 1993 twice at night I was lying in bed. Each time looking out I saw something strange. From the point of view of what my eyes saw looking out

-the first time a light blue tick drawn in the top right hand corner of my sight

-the second time a row of several strange (maybe Arabic looking) symbols along the bottom of my vision

-each time I wondered if a TV channel was playing my thoughts or what I could see. Maybe to the Universe

-I thought of three men aged about 20 on a Polytechnic Course with me

-one named Stephen Wong. The right height, pale with black hair and glasses. Always wore formal clothes. Paul James sightly tall, and blonde hair a bit looking like Jughead. And Matthew Leanne. Tall, dark brown hair, a Tutor said he was the most attractive one there. So they looked each similar to Dilton, Jughead and Archie

-it was someone setting it up one day for the 'Windsor High' channel to go everywhere

-including this planet

-Otumoetai College or Windsor High comics are meant to be like Archie

-the tick in the top corner of my vision. That is like a tick as used in Classes

-the line of ARABIC symbols as in ARCHIE

-the idea was to use the three other students on that Course like the Archie characters to send out my comics about me

-Script for Windsor HighScript for Windsor High

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  -a dream I had of an original comic page panels layout with original logo for company. In the top left corner a tallish black block capita...